What Exactly is CBD?
What exactly is 'CBD'? What is hemp? How is it any different, or the same as the cannabis plant grown for 'THC'? What is the reason to grow CBD?
We have gathered some of our favorite resources online, so that you can do more research on these topics - to keep it brief, however, here is a quick overview:
- The cannabis plant has been bred over generations for different uses. Some people developed the plant known as hemp - for use in fiber, paper, seeds for consumption, building materials, and more. Other cannabis was developed over the years to have a higher tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) compound that causes the stereotypical 'high' associated with marijuana. The compound cannabidiol (CBD) is present in both hemp and marijuana. The legal definition that separates hemp from controlled cannabis (marijuana), is hemp must be less than 0.3% THC.
- Under the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp with less than 0.3% THC was removed from the legal definition of marijuana in the Controlled Substances Act.
- We like to think of CBD cannabis as a different type of herb. Similar to products like wines, vinegars, beers, cheeses, and other agriculture products developed over time for enjoyment, we enjoy our CBD as a way to relax.
Other resources for further research:
Cannabidiol (CBD): What we know and what we don't (Harvard Health Publishing)